
Image of contact with the ID of 53849
David Owens-Hill
Executive Director

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Chad Johnson
Studio Director, Resident Instructor

Chad Johnson (he/him) is an artist, printer, bookbinder, and teacher who has been living in the Bay Area for the past two decades. After earning an MFA in Book Arts/Printmaking from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, he has worked in conservation labs, letterpress shops, and libraries. He has experience conserving historic books, analyzing collections of rare books, working with artists and authors, printing professionally on many different letterpress machines, and teaching and sharing his love of books and printing. As SFCB's Studio Director | Resident Instructor, he brings knowledge and experience fueled by passion and enthusiasm for the art and craft of making books by hand. From digital typesetting to steamroller printing to fixing presses to talking about letterpress history, Chad is always happy to help students and artists learn to express themselves through the powerful medium of the handmade book.

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Jennie Hinchcliff
Director, Exhibitions and Artist Programs

As Director of Exhibitions and Artist Programs at SFCB, Jennie (she/her) seeks to build connections between book artists and the larger arts community by focusing on exhibiting works that question, inspire, and challenge. She believes that now, more than ever, artists advocating for and expanding upon the book format provide powerful expressions of self, identity, and community.

From 2007 through 2015, Jennie was an adjunct instructor in the Fine Art department at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, where she taught bookbinding and artist book theory to undergraduate and graduate students. In 2015, she transferred to UC Berkeley’s Bancroft Library to work in Public Services and Exhibitions, supporting Bancroft staff as both an exhibitions registrar and duplications assistant.

Hinchcliff has been involved in the artist book and correspondence art communities since 1996 as a creator, curator, and organizer. Her studio work can be seen in the collections of the Whitney Museum of Art's Special Collection, the Cooper-Hewitt National Museum of Design, New York’s Museum of Modern Art / Franklin Furnace / Artists' Books Collection, and Stadtbibliothek zu Berlin. Her writings have been published in Kolaj Magazine, the Artist Book Yearbook, BAR (Book Art Review), and the Blue Notebook Journal.

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Sarah Songer
Program and Studio Manager

Nearsighted from childhood, Sarah (she/her) learned to read at a young age because she couldn’t see anything twelve inches past her nose. Her love of books continued even after she got her first pair of glasses, and she earned a BA in Comparative Literature from UCLA.

She is the daughter of a printer and a graphic artist; in rebellion, she became a bookbinder. She spent ten years at Arion Press and trained many apprentices in edition binding. She is a longtime student of design bookbinder Eleanore Ramsey and was the proprietor of Bay Area Book Repair for several years. Sarah enjoys sharing the many bookbinding tips and efficiencies she's learned over the years, and finds her own personal projects most satisfying if they make her laugh.

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Alex Arzt
Development and Communications Manager

Alex Arzt (she/her) is an interdisciplinary artist, publisher, educator, and administrator based in Oakland, California. She comes to SFCB after serving as the Development Associate at AXIS Dance Company and is excited to be part of the book arts community here. As an arts educator, she has taught courses at San Francisco Art Institute, UC Berkeley, and UC Davis. She runs a Risograph press called A Magic Mountain and has shared her work at residencies such as Headlands Center for the Arts, Bemis Center for Contemporary Art, and Real Time and Space. She is passionate about helping individual artists and arts organizations sustain their work and thrive by cultivating community support, crafting successful fundraising strategies, and developing lasting relationships with donors.

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Katie Smith
Operations Manager

Katie Smith (she/her) is a recent Bay Area transplant from Humboldt County, where she earned a BFA in Studio Art and Art History, and stayed for over a decade to sell every manner of books. Her bookselling career began in academic texts and evolved towards the rare and antiquarian. She is excited to join San Francisco's community of bibliophiles and represent talented book artists in the SFCB retail space.

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Alisa Nascimento
Studio Coordinator

Alisa Nascimento is a printmaker by study, but an explorer of various media by choice. She has pursued many avenues of art to satisfy her creative itch since she could hold a pencil. Alisa received her BA in printmaking from the University of Dallas, where she was first introduced to bookbinding by a friend. Intrigued, she asked her printmaking professor for a class on bookbinding, to which he responded by handing her a book on how to make books. Many online tutorials and mini journals later, Alisa emerged with the realization that she’d never receive instant gratification as an artist and that was okay.

Her introduction to the world of letterpress printing was beholden to the pandemic of 2020, when her college sent her home and she stumbled upon SFCB’s From the Bench, which led to an internship with letterpress artist Li Jiang in Berkeley. Fascinated with traditional/analog craft, Alisa has since been excited to enter the world of book arts and printing. 

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Karen Leung
Studio Assistant